Thank you for this space for reflection and visibility!

Description / info text:

“I mainly share self-portraits on my Instagram page as part of my healing process and reconnection with my body and feelings. The profile was never created for followers or to impress anyone else, sharing my photos is a simple act of becoming visible and vulnerable within my healing process to some close people in my life. But mostly, uploading photos just means being honest and vulnerable with myself. In 2020, Instagram deleted two photos for nudity, even though the photos were far from sexualised or offensive. I felt hurt by this censorship, felt again that I was not allowed to take up space, that I had to please others to be accepted. I decided to share the removal of my posts and Instagram’s threats to delete my profile as part of the process I’m going through, taking back my freedom to take up space again.’

My instagram user name:

The images are attached, thank you for providing space.

All the best, Luumaar